42.2km Run

The 42.195km run course consists of four loops starting at the SBECC. Athletes will exit Efficiency Street and turn right onto Hitachi Road. You will then turn right onto Binictican Drive, taking the innermost lane of the road (hill side), and then turn left onto Maritan Highway. From Maritan, you will make the first turnaround at the corner of El Kabayo Road before the uphill portion and head back along the same route, turning right onto Binictican Drive. Athletes will then head towards Subic Bay Golf Course before making the second turnaround just before the hill section of Binictican Drive. After this turnaround, athletes will head back, turn right onto Hitachi Road, and follow the road until they reach Efficiency Road, where you will make the third turnaround, completing the first lap of the four-lap course. Athletes will complete three more laps, and after the final lap, they will continue on Efficiency Road and turn left to return to the SBECC for the finish line.

Run Course Map

*** Updated as of May 27, 2024